Soul Sleep, Or Alive With Christ?
Published: December 22, 2009I’ve heard convincing “arguments”, both supported by bible verses, that we 1. go to heaven when we die and 2. sleep in the grave until the last days when we are called to Christ. If God exists outside of our concept of time (eternity), is it possible that both views are correct – our body sleeps in the grave until the last days, but our spirit goes directly to Christ in the last days (and the non-believer’s spirit goes directly to the judgment)?
Another Animal Sacrifice Question
Published: December 19, 2009In your response to “Why did God Let Satan LIve” (12/13/09) you stated that once Satan is locked away for 1000 years, a daily sacrifice will be needed based on the Ezekiel 46:13 reference. I thought that once Christ died for us, the old testament sacrificial system was finished. Christ’s death, the ultimate and final sacrifice, eliminated any need for a man made sacrificial system. Therefore, won’t the sacrifice that Christ made for us at the cross be sufficient during the millennium as it is in this age or will his death mean nothing for those who have survived the tribulation and live during the millennium? Won’t the blood of Christ allow people to be saved during the millennium?
Peace And The Pre-Millennial View
Published: December 18, 2009There’s a new report about Army intelligence concluding that the pre-millennial view many Christians hold is an obstacle to peace. Have you seen it, and if so what do you think?
Great White Throne, Follow-Up
Published: December 18, 2009I just read your answer to the person asking about The White Throne Judgment. Isn’t Sheol and Hades the Grave?And does the Lake of fire not symbolize total destruction? Doesn’t the Bible say that the wages of sin is death?If when we die we are unsaved sinners, haven’t we paid our debt by losing our eternal life? Please give me your reason for your answer.
Should I Take The Supplement?
Published: December 16, 2009There is a command from God somewhere in the first few books of the Bible not to drink the blood of any animal. I can’t remember the exact place. Anyhow, I purchase protein powder for convenience and some brands carry a small amount of “bovine plasma protein”, which is literally blood protein from a cow (powdered, of course). It is full of immunoglobins and agents beneficial for the intestines. Breast milk also contains some similar chemicals. I’ve never consumed it and didn’t want to because of this command.
I know God doesn’t change his mind and if he doesn’t like it, I’m not taking it. But then I remember Paul saying (again not sure exact placement) not to be offended by what we eat, what is sensible for a man to eat is okay for him, and to another for them. What do I do? I just don’t want to consume it because I don’t want God to be angry, but if that’s my reasoning, then I’m following the Law. I’m uncertain.
The Rapture. Now or Later?
Published: December 16, 2009I have a question about the Fullness of the Gentiles, which refers to the number of people who become believers during the Church age. If this is the case, why are we looking for the Rapture to happen soon … because there could be people coming to Christ a hundred years from now. If they do, then we still have 100 years or more to wait for the Rapture.
Am I missing something here? I have heard others, besides you, explain the Fullness of the Gentiles, but am confused because it seems to me that as long as the earth continues, there will be people coming to Christ. We hear of thousands in China alone coming to Him. Please help me out on this, specifically why we should expect the Rapture soon. I want it to happen soon, because the world is getting worse and worse! Thanks for your explanation.
Wiping Out The Jews
Published: December 15, 2009My question is regarding a statement that you made on your MP3 study of the Book of Mark. You referenced Hosea 5:15 – 6:1 to support your teaching that in order for the Lord to return the Jewish people would have to officially petition him through a qualified petitioner. You also stated that much of the motivation that Satan has for exterminating the Jewish race is to eliminate the possibility of this happening, and in fact had come very close to accomplishing that objective on more than one occasion. Who are the “qualified” ones among the people of Israel that could petition the Lord and at what other times in history has the devil come close to killing them all off?
The Glory Returns To Israel
Published: December 15, 2009When will the Shekinah Glory appear in the 3rd Temple?
How Can Satan Come Into God’s Presence?
Published: December 15, 2009The Bible say God hates Sin and even on the Cross, when his own Son died, he could not look at Sin and turned his head. In Job 2:1 it says “..and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord” In Revelation 12:10 it talks about the accuser of our brethren cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. Satan is the ultimate in sin itself, why/how can God tolerate Satan in his presence?
Identifying The Two Witnesses Of Rev. 11
Published: December 14, 2009The question I have is from Revelation 11:3 about who are the two witnesses. Some speculate that it could be Enoch because Enoch walked with God and was not, and it could be Elijah because Elijah was taken into Heaven without dying. I myself have the belief that it will be two that we have never heard of. I also have a problem with the idea that God would send one of the old prophets back here after they have already done everything God asked them to do the first time.
There is another reason also. When you go into Deuteronomy what is required to put another person to death is that you have two eye witnesses, I also know that the two witnesses will prophesying, but could they also be here to eye witness the corruption for the final judgment? Now I know that God is Sovereign and sees all that goes on here on earth, but He still sticks with the laws that He Himself established. If God can take Saul and turn him into Paul and give Paul direct revelation from the Lord, why couldn’t God do that with the two witnesses, two that are here now?