Ask a Bible Teacher

A Question Concerning Revelation 2 & 3 Study, Part 2

Published: June 9, 2006

I have a question Concerning Revelation 2 & 3 Study Part II.

Quote from the study: “The Kingdom Parable that resembles the Letter to Thyatira is the Parable of the Leaven where a woman wrongly mixed leaven into three measures of meal. Leaven, or yeast, always symbolizes sin and traditionally three measures of meal is the fellowship offering. (Sin in the fellowship. Get it?)”

How do you account for the fact that in Leviticus chapter 23, which is talking about the Feast of Weeks, that God commanded His people Israel to bring two wave loaves of two-tenths of an ephah BAKED WITH LEAVEN? Sounds more like leaven’s use there AND in one of the parables concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is an ANTI TYPE (a contrasting type) of its normal symbolized use to me.

The Gift Of Tongues

Published: June 9, 2006

Could you please help me understand 1 Corinthians 2:1-14? I teach the teens on Sunday morning and would like to explain the true wisdom of God and how he is a Spirit so that when they see people speaking in tongues and how his spirit can move you into praise that they can understand what is happening and not be frightened.

Is Prince Charles The Anti Christ?

Published: June 6, 2006

Hello. I’ve been really enjoying your study of Revelation. It’s simple and easy to understand. A lot of Bible commentaries tend to be long winded but yours does a good job of conveying a lot of info without wasting space.

I have a question concerning the possible identity of Antichrist. I’ve seen several websites out there listing Prince Charles and/or William as possible candidates and the arguments impressed me quite a bit. I was just wondering if you’d heard this as well and if so what your thoughts on it are? Thanks for your time and keep up the good work.

In The Seven Letters, Who Gets Raptured?

Published: June 6, 2006

I was just reading The Revelation Story (The Bible thru the Eyes of its Writers)…about the Rapture ‘as promised to the Church at Philadelphia’. Does this suggest that only the Evangelical Church will be raptured, leaving behind the Catholic, Protestant and Liberal/New Age believers?

I often wonder about the differences in the various denominations and whether it will have an effect on who really is saved and who only thinks/believes they are. For example, I can’t understand how or why the Catholic Church believes they should pray through the virgin Mary in order to reach the Lord, when it’s made very clear that Jesus broke down all barriers when He died on the cross. Isn’t it a form of idolatry to pray to or through anyone but the Lord? I’m not saying that Catholics are bad or anything, but I do wonder whether their beliefs/acts may betray them in the end? Am I wrong? It would be nice to think I am…

Rapture On A Jewish Feast Day?

Published: June 6, 2006

Some Prophecy Teachers today teach that the Feast of Trumpets will be the future Jewish feast that the Church is raptured on.They also hold to the view of immanency. 2 Prophecy Teachers I know teach that the Church is not bound by the Jewish festivals meaning Christ could come on any old day.

Why would God (Jesus) have all the types and shadows of Rapture, Resurrection, and Judgment evident in a couple of Jewish feast days and then Rapture the Church any old day?

Nephilim Skeletons Found?

Published: June 4, 2006

Since there were Nephilim or Giants in those days, do we have skeletal remains of these beings? If we do why are they not in the public eye like Dinosaurs?

Are We Close To The End?

Published: June 3, 2006

I have questions regarding the rapture of the Church. What is the difference between the Rapture and the 2nd coming? I have read that the Rapture comes during the End Times. How close are we to the End Times? Would it be accurate to say that the rapture could be soon?

Dinosaurs On The Ark?

Published: May 29, 2006

If the dinosaurs were genetic tinkering by Satan and an abomination,why did Noah take them into the ark? I heard a christian creationist on his T.V. show say that Noah took baby dinosaurs along with their unhatched eggs on board the Ark. What do you think about this? I love this web site.

A Question On The Da Vinci Code

Published: May 28, 2006

Could you please explain your thoughts on why the painting of the Last Supper by Da Vinci creates so much speculation? It isn’t as if he was there when the last supper occurred and yet the way people react to it, makes me think that it was inspired by Satan to get mankind to doubt the Gospel. Everything I see lately, some so called expert is always reading so much into that painting.

Anything light you could shed on this Da Vinci madness would be greatly appreciated. Please keep up your awesome insights on things I never really understood before.


Published: May 24, 2006

Were the dinosaurs before or after the flood? We love your site. Thank you.