Ask a Bible Teacher

Are We Causing Global Warming?

Published: June 14, 2006

I read your site daily, and it continually keeps me focused. my question is do you think that we humans are causing the ” global warming” with our vehicles? Anything else you would like to say would be beneficial.

The Bilderbergers

Published: June 14, 2006

Thanks for your excellent articles.

Read recently an article about the Bilderbergers meeting in Toronto. How do you see this organization and their plans, in terms of prophesy, the book of Revelation and the role (possible role) they may play in empowering the anti-christ and the mark of the beast?

The Kazarian Jews

Published: June 14, 2006

What is a Kazarian Jew? And could they be what is referred to in Rev. 3:9?

Another Nephilim Question

Published: June 13, 2006

Hi, I have a question about your answer to Salvation for Nephilim. You say that children of mixed angelic-human parentage would not have a salvation option. While I can see that fallen angels would be eternally condemned, and perhaps any human women who willingly and knowingly conceived their children, I don’t see why the children would necessarily be condemned. As in 2 Peter 3:8, the Lord is “not wanting anyone to perish but to come to repentance.”

I am also having trouble with this idea in regards to Noah and the Ark. I was taught that God kept the door of the Ark open for seven days before the rain started so that anyone who wanted to repent could be saved. But if the sin they were guilty of was their impure blood, then how could anyone repent and be saved?

Thank you for your work and teaching. I asked my pastor this question, and he was pretty stumped too.

Could The Anti-Christ Come From America?

Published: June 13, 2006

Hi, I have really enjoyed your website, especially since you have been answering questions from readers.

My question is: Is there any reason why the Anti-Christ has to come from Europe and not possibly America? I know that he will be descended from some part of the old Roman Empire, but when you consider that Americans are descended from just about every ethnic group on Earth, it seems he could just as easily be an American as European or Middle-Eastern. Not that I would want to wish that on anyone, but should we discount that possibility?

US Embassy For Anti Christ?

Published: June 12, 2006

Do you think we (USA ) are building the seat for the anti-Christ and the one world religion in Shinar? I have read the articles on the new embassy we are building near Babylon. What does that make the US if its so?

Were Angels Saved At The Cross?

Published: June 12, 2006

Re: Salvation for Nephilim. I think there may be an error with this comment: “Jesus had to become all man to save mankind. There’s no Biblical indication that fallen angels can be saved by the blood of Jesus.”

There’s no specific indication for angels but there is a general indication for all things on Earth or in Heaven.

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” (Colossians 1:19-20)

The Synagogue Of Satan?

Published: June 12, 2006

Who is this synagogue of Satan that is spoken of in Rev 3:9? “I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.”

Salvation For Nephilim?

Published: June 11, 2006

If the Nephilim are on the Earth again or now and are marrying into humans, could these children of theirs turn to Christ and become Christian or would that be impossible? Thanks

Could The Anti-Christ Come From Islam?

Published: June 10, 2006

Hi I just re-read your article “The Powerful Delusion” and noticed that it seemed to signal that the Antichrist would be Islamic. Would that rule out Javier Solana and his European Neighborhood Policy that is taking effect in January like it did Gorbachev? If I’m not mistaken they are both atheists, and your article suggests that the Antichrist will be a theistic leader. Thanks for the help, may God bless you and your ministry!