Ask a Bible Teacher

Praying For Our Enemies

Published: December 3, 2024

I know we are supposed to pray for our enemies, but I run into trouble on what to pray about? Can you give me a sample prayer for the way you would do it? I’m thinking of people who are enemies of our Country foreign and domestic.

Concerning The Trinity

Published: December 3, 2024

Concerning the trinity. When I read most of the verses that people use to “prove” the trinity, I do not see the same thing. When Jesus says ” if you’ve seen the son you’ve seen the Father”; and “the Father and I are one”; I always took that as meaning that they are very similar. Kind of like when someone says that your son is a chip off the old block. Could those verses like in John ch. 1 have been mistakenly copied or corrupted on purpose? I read a book about how other societies had their version of the trinity before Christ was even born. I want to say that I’m not taking anything away from Jesus and what he did for us. I truly believe he is God’s son and that he died for my sins and rose from the dead. He is my savior! It’s just that if the trinity is so hard to understand, maybe it’s because we’re trying to read it into the scriptures.

OSAS And 2 Peter 3:17

Published: December 2, 2024

Just when I think I have finally understood and accepted OSAS, someone comes along and throws me a curve ball and steals my joy. Please help me understand 2 Peter 3:17, as that is the most recent curve ball thrown at me!!!

Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. –2 Peter 3:17

Jesus. God, Man Or Both?

Published: December 2, 2024

I am hoping that you can clear an answer you gave, where you state “… that in some way we don’t understand He gave up His God-like powers when He came to Earth and became fully (and only) man.” However, in one of your earlier answers, you state “Spirit led study will bring one to the conclusion that Jesus is God, and Hebrews 1:8 the Father is quoted as calling Jesus God, and the fact that Jesus is God in the flesh is well documented.”

Please forgive me if I seem somewhat confused, but it seems to me that in your answer to me you say that Jesus was only a man and not God in the flesh, but in the other answers you cite Jesus as being God as well as Man in His human form. Of course, Jesus was fully God and Man, that is why I cannot understand your first quote above.

The Books Of Moses And The Hebrew Calendar

Published: December 2, 2024

I have been told that the ancient Rabbis call the first 4 books of the Bible the Song of Moses. They also believed that the verses in this group of books could be numbered for the years of life on earth. Each verse says something about what is going on on earth in that co-responding earth year. I also understand that there are some verses that we have in our Bible that the Jewish Bible does not have; so we have to take that into consideration. All this is very confusing and kind of far fetched. What are your thoughts on this?

Disciples In Debt?

Published: November 29, 2024

Is there anything in Scripture with regards to being a disciple and being in debt? With debt being a master of sorts, is it possible that Jesus would “give the go ahead” for someone to be a disciple while in debt? I know it’s been done and is still being done but is it right?

Walking In The Spirit

Published: November 29, 2024

I absolutely know that much of the time I’m not walking in the Spirit because of all the things I either do or say or the way I act. This is not how I want it to be but it seems I do all these things whether I want it this way or not. Does God the Father not see me as righteous when I’m not walking according to the Spirit? I know He must be displeased and this kills me inside that He is feeling this way about me. I want so much to be like Jesus and then I’m not again and I get so discouraged. What am I to do?

A Second Work Of Grace

Published: November 29, 2024

While visiting a local church, we were introduced to the idea of “a 2nd work of grace”. We were told that you can obtain perfection through sanctification while still on earth, at which point you no longer sin. Instead, you only make mistakes. In addition, you can lose your salvation before you are perfect but, you can also be saved again. This goes against everything we have ever studied and we just don’t buy it. We would appreciate your comments.

Old Earth Young Civilization

Published: November 28, 2024

I read your article “And There Was Evening And There Was Morning”, where you say you are OK with an old earth. How is this possible? In Exodus 20:11 and Exodus 31:17 the word of God is very plain that God created the earth and sea and heaven and everything in it, in six days and rested on the seventh day. Therefore if we have been here just over 6,000. years, then so has the earth. You and I believe that these six days were 24 hour days. God created the earth mature as He did Adam and Eve. The earth would look and everything would appear old, but was only created just over 6,000. years ago. So in essence we have a young earth.

No One Knows The Day Or Hour, Follow Up

Published: November 28, 2024

Please let me know what you think of the quote below. Truly there is much on the net of the last days….

“Many of us have read the famous quote of our Messiah in the four gospels when he declared that his second coming would come at a time “that no man knows.” But how many of us knew that he was actually making a reference to the Feast of Trumpets? The Feast of Trumpets is known by Jews as “The Day That No Man Knows.” And why is it called this? Because it is the feast that can only be determined by the sighting of the new moon, and so “no man” can calculate the exact day or hour of when this feast day will begin.”