Ask a Bible Teacher

Turned Off By Religion

Published: October 3, 2024

I am trying to witness to my 86 year old die hard Catholic father. (he hasn’t gone to church in years but did meet the Pope during the war) He feels this church has changed since he was an alter boy and he has lost faith in the Church.

I grew up Catholic also, but found the Lord in college thru a Baptist friend and have been studying the bible & prophecy ever since. I explained I put my faith in Jesus, not a religion and at that point he won’t talk about it anymore and gets angry.

He is really hurt because his religion failed him and I don’t know how to reach him. Of course prayer is my only answer, but do you have any other suggestions. Every time I ask him if he ever believed in Jesus, he evades the question.

Was Jesus Wealthy?

Published: October 2, 2024

I asked a friend at church what Joseph and Mary did with all the gold and precious spices the wise men gave to them when they came to worship the Lord. She told me that Jesus was not a poor man, that He wouldn’t have called up His disciples to leave their families poor and unfed, and that He wore the clothes of a rich man otherwise why else would the soldiers gamble for His clothing. This goes against everything I’ve known. I don’t think it’s a correct view. How could Jesus teach about forsaking money and possessions, yet be a rich man? That would have made Him a hypocrite, and that’s impossible.

In The Image Of God

Published: October 2, 2024

When does GOD create the non-physical part of a human? Does He do it when the sperm and the egg unite? Did it exist before the physical began? Is the physical or non-physical, or both, created in GOD’s image?

Saved By Our Beliefs?

Published: October 2, 2024

In your article on Post-Church Salvation you wrote: “We’re saved by what we believe, not by how we behave.”

I have a problem with that. (Cults) believe what they believe, and they certainly are not right. (Maybe I am getting hung up on the definition of What, and How. Am I?) We have to believe what the Bible teaches…there is ONLY ONE WAY. What do you think?

Misusing Malachi 3:8-10

Published: October 1, 2024

On more than one occasion, by more than one spirit filled minister, I have heard the teaching that if we as Christians don’t give 10% of what we get to the Church then we are ‘stealing from God’. The only scripture they offer to support that statement is in Mal.3 where the priests were actually stealing the tithes to use for themselves. I have totally rejected this teaching with my comment; “You’re saying then that Jesus’ sacrifice is not enough, and we must buy our way into Heaven?”

Millennial Feasts?

Published: October 1, 2024

I am studying the feasts of Israel. In particular I am trying to find the scriptural reference to the one feast believers on Earth will celebrate during the millennium. My memory is that Egypt will refuse to honor this holy feast and will be punished. Can you help me ?

Guardian Angels

Published: October 1, 2024

Thank you for your insights, as always.

Is there any information on guardian angels and their roles? Specifically, angels who watch over us individually on a one-to-one basis. The only scriptural reference that I think might allude to this has to do with the childrens’ angels being in heaven and beholding God’s face (Matt. 18:10-11). If this is a reference to guardian angels, does that mean that they are always in heaven, and not on earth beside us? Since we now have the Holy Spirit, does that mean we no longer have these guardian angels?

The Gift Of The Holy Spirit

Published: September 30, 2024

I have a question about this verse: “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?” My question is, did Jesus imply we have to ask for the Holy Spirit? I thought the Spirit was already sealed in us by God when we first believed?

Sins Or Faults? Does It Matter?

Published: September 30, 2024

I have recently had some problems with two brothers who think we should confess our sins to each other according to James 5:16 whereas I believe we confess only to God because only God can forgive sins! The KJV states faults whereas the majority if not all other versions of the bible state sins in the verse in James. What is the answer? Does it matter?

Blessing And Cursing

Published: September 30, 2024

I know God wants us to love everyone as if they were our brother. But if God said that He will curse those who curse Israel are we also permitted to do the same?

I have a hard time with having a loving feeling towards anyone who hates Israel. Could you please advise me of what you think.

Thanks for your blessed work. We really need your guidance and knowledge of understanding prophecy at this time.