Is It Them Or Is It Me?
Published: January 16, 2025I was wondering whether you could shed some light on something for me. Although I know that we all sin many times and it is the grace of God that is our only hope, I have become concerned lately by the lives of Christians in my church. There is a tremendous amount of gossip and backbiting. People have parties where the wine flows freely, and although the Lord has no objection to people drinking, I feel that being drunk and telling ‘suggestive’ and rude jokes is dishonoring his name. I was under the impression that our changed lives should be our greatest witness. These people work hard for the Lord, doing many good works throughout the church, so why do I feel so uneasy about their behavior? Am I becoming judgmental and legalistic?
More On The USA In Prophecy
Published: January 15, 2025I was reading on another Christian web site some of the reasons why the US is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. One reason is that the US could have such an economic collapse that we wouldn’t be considered a world power any longer. Also possibly Russia or Iran might attack us with EMP weapons prior to their attack on Israel to prevent us from aiding Israel. Then there’s the possibility that the Rapture would have such a devastating effect on the US we would no longer be considered a world power.
I’ve looked around your web site and don’t seem to find any information on what you think might be the reason the US is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. Could you please discuss what you think is the reason(s) we are not mentioned in Bible prophecy?
Is The USA In Bible Prophecy?
Published: January 15, 2025I have a hard time believing that we can’t see the USA in prophecy. This country is way too influential and center stage/unique to overlook and to ignore these facts is like being blinded to a major truth. It also seems possible that this country could represent the great whore in the bible, because of the trade, commerce intertwining with the other countries and I wonder if this is the place that will be mourned at some point because of destruction, either financial ruin or other destruction. In other words, I think that this country could be the new Babylon.
Loving Our Enemies
Published: January 15, 2025Loving our enemies is one of the toughest of demands that we are bid to do. Often we are total failures when we must love our enemies, those who have wronged us in some way, and often they are even professing to be Christians. When we are to love our enemies, how are we to do it? From a distance, or openly for all to see?
Three Temples Or Four?
Published: January 14, 2025I am struggling with the 3rd temple predictions. When I read your article it all seems clear in my mind, but when I check against other peoples opinions (all from on-line sources), I get jumbled again.
One theory I read stated that there could be a fourth temple. Soon after Ezekiel’s war a 3rd temple is built with MOST people predicting it will be in Jerusalem, on or near the Temple Mount. Could the possibility exist that the Temple Ezekiel describes in 40 really be a 4th temple built for the Millennial Kingdom, by the Lord in Shiloh, which would validate a 3rd temple built by the Jews proceeding Messiah’s return being completely destroyed in the great earthquake after Armageddon? What am I missing, or just not grasping?
Exodus 6:6-7 And The New Testament Cups
Published: January 14, 2025In Matt. 20:22-23 Jesus asked if James and John could drink the cup that He was to drink. In 1 Cor. 10:16 Paul referred to participation in the Lord’s death as our cup of blessing, and in verse 21 accused the Corinthians of trying to drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. How does this tie to Exodus 6:6-7?
Was Jesus A Carpenter?
Published: January 14, 2025My husband told me today that he was watching some rerun of a news show on the internet and a “biblical scholar” (who, I don’t know) said that Jesus and Joseph weren’t necessarily carpenters. The original language of the Bible said they “worked with their hands” and that could mean mason, carpenter… Do you know what the correct translation is? I think my husband feels that our Bible translations can’t be trusted if the original translators didn’t get it right. Thank you so much!
The Greatest Commandments
Published: January 13, 2025Are Matthew 22:34-40 and Luke 10:25-37 the same story told from different perspectives or two separate stories? Jesus goes on with the Good Samaritan parable in Luke but, the story ends with the greatest commandment in Matthew. It appears the characters are the same.
Mary’s Ancestry
Published: January 13, 2025There is a bit of a discussion in a Bible study group I’m in on the topic of Jesus’ ancestry, and part of the discussion focuses on Mary’s ancestry. Your website asserts that “Mary and Joseph were both of the tribe of Judah and descendants of David”, and “Mary’s line was through Solomon’s brother Nathan (Luke 3:31).” Since Luke 3:23 begins Jesus’ lineage with “He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph, “, how can this be said to be Mary’s lineage?
I’ve always believed without too much critical analysis what your website says, but now I want solid Biblical underpinning.
Help Me Prove The Bible Is Authentic
Published: January 13, 2025By faith, I am a believer as you know. There is a guy who frequently posts on a forum I belong to that history says the Gospels were not written by the authors listed (Mathew, Mark, etc) and continues to bash me and others who discuss Biblical research and facts, claiming that “real world” history proves otherwise. I was hoping you could point me in a direction outside the apologetics world for facts to dispute his claims, knowing you have far more knowledge on this than I do. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.