Ask a Bible Teacher

Soldiers On Horseback?

Published: November 19, 2014

Thank you again for the wisdom that God has given you to help those of us searching for answers! My question is, if we are to take the Bible literally, will Gog’s army (Ezekiel 38:4) actually be on horses again? Could something cause machines not to work and we go back to horses as our mode of transport?

Why Another Temple? Follow Up

Published: November 17, 2014

Re: Why Another Temple? I understand there will always be a temple for the Jewish people even during the Millennium. I don’t understand why, as Zola Levitt said, “Here come the Jews with that slaughterhouse religion of theirs”. Why do they need to sacrifice critters, whom I love, if they now have Jesus who gave the ultimate sacrifice? Can’t they have a temple and just honor Him? He clearly is the only way to salvation, not rites and rituals.

What Happens To Cremated Believers?

Published: November 17, 2014

What happens at the Rapture/Resurrection to a born again believer who is cremated? I know the dead in Christ will rise first but what about those who are cremated?

What Is God Saying Here?

Published: November 17, 2014

I was reading a recent post that referenced Ezekiel 43:6-7. After reading the verses, I’m not certain what the Lord is saying. Is God promising that the house of Israel will one day no longer defile the place of His throne? I don’t understand the prophecy that is being spoken of here.

Did Jesus Name The Anti-Christ?

Published: November 16, 2014

I saw a video in which a Bible scholar taught on a passage in Luke that he claimed was the Lord giving us a clue to the Antichrist’s identity. In Luke 10:18, Jesus said, “And I beheld Satan as lightning falling from the heavens…”. The filmmaker went on to point out that in the Hebrew text, the word for ‘lightning’ is ‘Baraq’, and ‘heavens, or ‘high places’ is Bamah. You can see where he was going with this but it didn’t set right with me, so I decided to ask you about it. What are your thoughts on this?

Another Partial Rapture Question

Published: November 14, 2014

Which Christians will go into the Rapture? Will it be those who appear to not sin as much as other Christians do? The reason why I’m asking is because I believe I am saved because I believe that I am a sinner and that Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose on the third day, but I still struggle with sin daily even with small sins. Would you please explain this to me?

Rapture Without Dying?

Published: November 14, 2014

Re: The rapture. I’ve found a lot of people believe that Christians will simply vanish from the earth to meet the Lord in the air. Is there Biblical revelation of this “disappearance” or is it just our assumption? Could it be that we believers could all simultaneously die, thus meeting the Lord in the air spiritually, leaving our bodies here?

A Question About Ezekiel’s Temple

Published: November 14, 2014

Can you explain more about Ezek 40-47 representing the tribulation temple and not the millennial temple and the nation of Israel being in the land during the kingdom age?

The Ministry Of The Two Witnesses

Published: November 12, 2014

I am interested in the chronology of the events in Revelation. We know the abomination of desolation occurs at the mid point of the tribulation. When do the two prophets start their ministry?

Will The Anti-Christ Know?

Published: November 10, 2014

Will the Antichrist know who he is? Does he have free will and just chooses to be indwelt by Satan?