Ezekiel’s Battle And The Red Horse Of Rev. 6
Published: September 1, 2014I recently heard a Bible teacher I respect say that Ezekiel’s battle is the same as the second seal judgment (the red horse). I know you’ve said that you think the Ezekiel battle will come before the tribulation because the Jewish people need a cause to return to old covenant worship. Other than that, is there a specific reason the second seal judgment and the battle in Ezekiel couldn’t be the same thing?
The 7 Years Of Daniel And The 42 Months Of Revelation
Published: September 1, 2014The Lord’s richest blessing on you for your teaching and guidance given to many believers. In Daniel the prophet speaks of the anti-Christ making a covenant for one week–7 years, but in Revelation John speaks of power was given to the anti-Christ for 42 months. What happened re the other 42 months to make seven years?
Get Married Or Move Out
Published: September 1, 2014My younger sister, who loves the Lord, has allowed her youngest son (21) & his girlfriend to live together in her house for years. Now she says God is telling her to stop it. She asked me what to do. I told her that if she is hearing from God, she’d better obey. My sister is afraid to “cut the apron strings” because her son is on her medical insurance and he can’t afford a place of his own. What do you think?
Questions About The Millennium
Published: August 31, 2014Through my studies, I understand almost everything about end times until the second coming and then I get really Lost! Could you please walk me through the sequence of events that I will go thru, starting with the rapture? (I am, of course, born again.) Also, I read about people living during the millennium and having children. Who are these people that have children? Are these children born saved and remain saved for all eternity? And where does the millennium take place?
Reading The Apocryphal Books
Published: August 31, 2014I am interested in reading the books of the apocrypha. Am I correct in the basic understanding that they are NOT divinely inspired, but interesting historical records? I’m confused about what (if any of them) are a good read. For instance, I’ve heard that the Gospel of Judas (while not typically associated with the other apocrypha books) is sacreligious. Are all of them? What about ones quoted in the Scriptures (the Book of Enoch)? What would you recommend?
Relationship Issues
Published: August 31, 2014I’m a Christian woman in a relationship with a Christian man. We go to the same church. We had recently moved in together and things are not working out well. I have an ex boyfriend who I give spiritual advice to. My current boyfriend told me that I shouldn’t be counseling my ex boyfriend, only him. Since we’ve been arguing lately I notice how he yells at me around my children. I don’t think they should be around this type of behavior. I recently told him we can no longer live together, that we need to get our relationship together before we go any further. Of course he feels its all my fault that all my attention should be spent on him. What should I do?
All In The Family
Published: August 31, 2014I sort of have an ongoing debate with a co-worker regarding the wives of Seth and Cain (Adam and Eve’s sons). My co-worker asked me where did they come from as there is no clear explanation in Genesis and they just sort of appear. I say that they have to be descendants of Adam and Eve who are the mother and father of mankind. My co-worker feels that this would be incest and can’t be. Can you clarify this for us?
The Transfiguration
Published: August 30, 2014Do you have a teaching on Matthew 16:28? What was Jesus talking about?
Will Arabs Inherit The Promised Land Too?
Published: August 30, 2014I was reading a book from another prophecy teacher who said: “When Jesus finally establishes His Kingdom, He will remove the enmity from the hearts of both Arabs and Jews. Then He will reconcile the sons of Abraham, and they will live at peace in the Holy Land.” He bases this on Ezk 47:22-23.
The author continues: “Ezekiel reveals that the Promised Land will be allocated in east-west strips to each of the twelve tribes of the restored Israel. However, the Arabs (the “strangers” mentioned in v. 23) will also receive their inheritance of land within Israel.” This makes sense to me since God also promised to bless Ishmael through his descendants.
What is your opinion of this scripture from Ezekiel? Could this be a reason why the Promised Land is so expanded during the Kingdom Age? Thank you once again for your time and patience in giving us your inspired thoughts about the Scriptures.
Excited Or Threatened?
Published: August 30, 2014I have been reading a lot on the subjects of singularity and transhumanism. I believe that secular humanist scientists are bent on achieving the ancient lie of men becoming gods and are feverishly working on the last phase of man’s evolution behind the scenes by gene manipulation and integrating man with machine. But many of the movies I’ve watched on the the mark of the beast show people reluctantly receiving the mark so they can live and eat. Do you think it’s a possibility that people will be excited to receive the mark due to the possibility of becoming a god?