Taking The Righteous Away
Published: June 9, 2014I know you stay very busy with the ministry and may God bless you for it! Can you tell me if there is any verse in the Bible which says something to the effect of “God takes the righteous away early to spare them from evil”? It seems that I remember reading something along these lines at one time, though I can’t remember if it was biblical or if it was merely someone’s opinion.
Unsaved Family And Friends
Published: June 8, 2014I have family members and beloved friends who aren’t saved yet. I can’t stop thinking of the possibility that maybe they will remain unsaved and face this horrific eternity. This very real possibility is an unbearable thought to me. I know how very important it is to pray for them,and share the “good news”, but in the end it’s up to them. No matter how much I talk to them or pray for them, I can’t force the good outcome, can I? Even God can’t force them to make the right choice concerning their eternity. How can a believer handle this issue the right way?
Class Division In The Millennium
Published: June 8, 2014I was thinking about the millennium the other day and the way I see it,during Christ’s 1000 year reign,there will be two distinct classes on the earth. Those who were raptured and returned to rule with Christ, with perfect bodies that never get old,tired,or sick. And the tribulation survivors and their descendants, who still have all the maladies of a human body. Do you think this sort of class division will be used by the devil to cause the great rebellion at the battle of Armageddon?
World Wide Famine Soon?
Published: June 8, 2014I have had some news items come to my attention from Christian sources that say world food shortages are beginning to happen and that we as Christians should be getting prepared. It has been my belief up to now that the severity in food shortage and other products would most likely happen after the Rapture. I can now see where things may get pretty tight as this is happening right now. My question is- Do you believe there are going to be very serious food shortages and other kinds of extreme hardships here in the U.S. before the Rapture happens? And if so, other than tightening our finances what else can we be doing?
Still More On Becoming Who We Are
Published: June 8, 2014Re: Becoming Who We Are. The more I read what Paul has written the more it seems to contrast with Jesus. Paul frequently seems legalistic and adds on to the Gospel and to Jesus’ statement to love God and others. Arguing and complaining are not sins. Both can lead to setting things straight or improving situations as long as they are done with respect. Paul argued with Peter. Jesus was a man’s man. He turned over tables, he argued with religious leaders, etc. God gets angry and He made us in His image. Jacob “wrestled” all night with God. God didn’t say Jacob should not have done this. Sometimes, Paul reminds me of Job’s friends. Making judgments that God doesn’t. Quite frankly the Holy Spirit has a lot to teach me and arguing and complaining are not at the top of the list.
Is The Great Revival Biblical?
Published: June 7, 2014My question is: Revival or not? In every Christian group I go to everybody is waiting for a big revival. Where I live almost every preacher says that it will begin with us and spread over the whole country. If I watch Christian Television it’s the same story! I am waiting for the Rapture with all my heart. I love Jesus very much and I would like to believe in a genuine revival under the Holy Spirit. Is this “revival’ Biblical?
The Church And America
Published: June 7, 2014Do you think the Church will be here if America does not repent of her sins, or will be taken out of the way. There are many of us who pray our leaders will repent of the lawlessness they are forcing on the people. But it seems to be getting worse. I would appreciate your thoughts on this subject.
Stress In The New Jerusalem?
Published: June 7, 2014Since we will have access to Earth from the New Jerusalem during the Millennium, how do you think we will handle the world getting more sin-filled as time passes? Do you think maybe we just won’t visit the Earth as much? It will have to be a very stressing time for us. Will there be any danger of us becoming like them?
Rapture? What Rapture?
Published: June 7, 2014If a person does not believe in the rapture, but loves the Lord undeniably, is that person taken at the time of the rapture or are they left behind to endure the tribulation?
Will Children Have To Come Back?
Published: June 7, 2014If my son has not reached the age of accountability by the Rapture and therefore can’t make the choice to come to Christ, will he have to make it later? Since he lacks the capacity to sin or be judged I understand he would come with us in the Rapture, but some believe that those who lack the mental capacity to come to Christ will be given that chance (or rather have to make that decision) during the 1,000 year reign. Wouldn’t that mean he’d have to be born again in the Millennium in order to make a choice. Doesn’t sound right to me. Does everyone have to decide at some point or do infants and small children get a “pass go” card? I cannot find any scripture to support this doctrine of decision, can you help?