Great Pyramid, Follow Up
Published: February 23, 2011Re: The Great Pyramid Of Egypt. I believe in a young earth, 6,000-10,000 years old. How then is your statement of, “Such an alignment ( the angle of the passageway with the North Star) happens only once every 26,000 years” possible? That would mean that the alignment was the very first, and would likely never happen again as I believe we are in the very last days, and I believe Jesus is coming for His church very soon! So what possible difference could a fact of “26,000 years” make?
Is the World Wide Web The 666?
Published: February 23, 2011I want to bring up some thing, I think is new – because of this last bible answer of yours on 666 – the newest idea (not mine) is that the “www” (World Wide Web) is connected to 666. I know and understand that Revelations was written in Greek yet from this new idea “w” in Hebrew is equal to 6. Have you heard this before and what is and/or would be your comprehension?
Islamic Anti-Christ? Follow Up
Published: February 20, 2011In a recent answer you said you believe the anti-Christ could be Muslim. I think that your scenario is unlikely. I read in the book of Daniel that – the whole reason he is the anti-Christ, that is the anti-messiah, is that he is a false Jewish religious leader, and not the “Muslim” 12th Imam. Israel would thus never accept him, and we know that the state of Israel “will receive” the anti-Christ.
The First Horseman Of Rev. 6
Published: February 20, 2011The most common interpretations of the rider on the white horse in Rev. 6:2 are: 1) Christ, 2) Anti-Christ, 3) Military conquest, and 4) “Proclamation of the Gospel of Christ in all the world” (I don’t remember hearing this before). My view has been the Anti-Christ but the fourth view is very interesting. What do you think?
Islamic Anti-Christ?
Published: February 18, 2011Is the “12th Imam” the anti-Christ? Do you believe the anti-Christ could be Muslim? I’ve always been taught and believed “He” would arise out of the revived Roman Empire.
Timing Of The Two Witnesses
Published: February 17, 2011I noticed recently that you believe that the 3.5 years that the 2 witnesses are on earth during Daniel’s 70th week does not correspond to the 1st 3.5 years but overlap to 2nd half. Please give me scripture that leads you to that conclusion.
Are God And Allah The Same? Follow Up
Published: February 8, 2011Your answer to this question was accurate except you made the statement that God does beget and the Son was begotten. This is incorrect. The Son, as spoken in the book of John, has always existed as part of the Trinity. The word “begotten” should more accurately be translated as “unique” or “One of a kind”. I know you didn’t mean to state that Christ was begotten by the Father but you left that impression. This is the same mistake that a lot of people make, thinking Christ didn’t exist until He became flesh.
Al Mahdi And The Pale Horse
Published: February 8, 2011It seemed to me that the Mahdi had been sighted in Egypt during the riots. Some referred to it as the pale rider of the apocalypse, but I believe it was a sighting of the Mahdi–whether real or contrived, I cannot say. There are many reports of interesting phenomenon appearing (lying signs and wonders?) in the times we are living in. I think something “big” is about to happen in the Middle East.
Am I Slandering Satan?
Published: February 7, 2011Often times I realize that Satan has invaded my life and is manipulating me. When I come to this realization, I stop what I’m doing and say: “Satan, get out of my life. Go jump in that lake of fire and don’t come back.” Sometimes I’ll say: “Dear Jesus please help me get Satan out of here.” I don’t consider what I’m saying as slander; do you? By the way, why do we show Satan the respect that we do by capitalizing the name “Satan?”
Ridiculous Teaching About Satan?
Published: February 5, 2011I have read many of Jack Kelley’s writings and have learned from him but this article of lifting up Satan really frosts my cake. When Jack said Satan is given a position of respect in the kingdom of God and even Michael didn’t dare accuse him I have no idea what Jack was thinking. The scripture is full of accusation against Satan and that is especially true in the New Testament. I think Jack you must apologize for this idiocy or face being discredited big time. This idea of if Michael couldn’t accuse Satan then we must not accuse Satan is ridiculous. To cast out a devil is making an accusation wouldn’t you think? If Satan appears as an angel of light as Paul said, isn’t that an accusation?