Ask a Bible Teacher

Revival In The Last Days?

Published: January 19, 2011

I am intrigued by a prophecy I’ve read some time ago and reread recently by (a famous evangelist from the 1950s who has since died). I don’t know if you are familiar with it, but it talks about a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit on His people all over the world, the result of which is many people healed and delivered, after which the bride was ascending to the heavens (rapture). I would love to be part of that and through it seeing many more people added to the bride, so as them not having to go through the tribulation. What are your thoughts on this, please?

Which Is Worse, Adultery Or Divorce?

Published: January 18, 2011

I have been married for 14 years and am currently having an affair with another man. If I am the one to initiate a divorce will I ever be able to marry again or am I going to have to remain single? I know God hates divorce and I also know that a divorce can only come if there is adultery. But I am the one having the affair and the one wanting the divorce. Which is worse to have the affair or get a divorce?

The Book Of Life, Follow Up

Published: January 17, 2011

In a recent article on the Book of Life you said only the church will be listed in the Lamb’s Book of Life, which is different from the original Book of Life. Won’t those who come to faith during the trib/great trib also be written in the Lambs Book of Life?

Are The Four Horsemen Already Here?

Published: January 15, 2011

I have always agreed with your interpretation of the Seal Judgments in Revelation, but lately I’m wondering if we may be seeing them opened, with what’s going on in the world as we read this. The rider on the white horse could be the rise of radical Islam, as it has all but taken over much of Europe, Asia, and Africa; the red horse, signifying war, is becoming apparent; the black horse, representing famine, is emerging with increasing global food shortages, riots, and starvation; the pale horse, signifying death by disease, is on the horizon, with the emergence of countless super-bugs, and plagues. But I ask myself: what of the Rapture? Is it possible that we may have misinterpreted scripture? I realize we could be just seeing a foretaste of what is to come, but I can’t help but wonder. I covet your thoughts, please.

Are People That Blind?

Published: January 13, 2011

I’ve read your comments about reading Matthew 24 in chronological order, and I understand what you are saying. However, I have a hard time with people living life without a clue that the world is about to end after all the events of the tribulation/great tribulation. Are the events literal? Blood up to the horses bridles? The two witnesses, etc. I just can’t wrap my brain around people being that blind.

As It Was In The Days Of Noah

Published: January 12, 2011

I have always thought that Matt 24:37 referred to the period of time just before the Rapture, that things will be pretty much business as usual then we are raptured out of here. From what I understand from your teaching you believe it refers to the time just before the second coming not before the Rapture. It doesn’t seem to me that things will appear “normal” to people at the end of the tribulation but they could be that way before the Rapture, like now for instance. If what you are suggesting is accurate it messes up a lot of Rapture timing theory don’t you think”? Did I get something out of context here?

A Generation Or A Lifespan?

Published: January 11, 2011

Last night (a well known TV Bible teacher) revealed on his show what he believes is the span of years described as a Biblical generation. He quoted Mathew 1:17 where Mathew said there were “fourteen generations between Abraham and David, fourteen generations between David to the Babylonian exile, and fourteen generations between the exile and Jesus.” He took the number of years between each of those milestones and divided each by fourteen. The answer in each case was 52 years. He then said if that number is added to 1948, Jesus should have returned in 2000. Therefore, he places the beginning of the count at 1967 when Israel regained control over Jerusalem. This would make 2019 the year of the Lord’s return and the Rapture occurrence in 2012.

Who Is The Fleeing Remnant?

Published: January 10, 2011

If Israel is God’s chosen people and the Messianic Jews are those who have admitted they were sinners and have accepted Christ, then who will be the remnant saved in Petra?

Prophecies Of The Temple’s Destruction

Published: January 9, 2011

Did the Apostles write anything about the temple being destroyed? I know Jesus mentions that the temple would be destroyed and raised up in three days. Also, do you think Matthew 22:7 is a prophecy of the temple being destroyed? If they did write something to indicate that, were there any Jewish writings in existence indicating that the Christian writings of the Apostles concerning the destruction of the temple had been fulfilled? Surely they must have been astonished?

Sin In The Millennium, Follow Up

Published: January 9, 2011

In reference to dealing with sin in Millennium–I ‘m not sure there will be sin during the millennium, certainly Satan’s demonic spirits will be at work trying, but since Satan is bound during this time I believe the people living then are able to resist sinning. When Satan is released for a short while at the end I believe the ones he goes to gather are his demons who have been trying but failing to accomplish this. They are the number as the sands of the sea that gather to do final battle.