Between The 2nd Coming And The Millennium
Published: December 3, 2010I read an article by a respected end times scholar that the Sheep and Goat judgment is for Gentiles. I assume that must be because of the questions asked by Jesus as to what they did or did not do for His brethren, Christ considered was done unto Him. That seems a bit like “good deeds” added to faith? But my main question is since the believing remnant flees to Petra, do we assume all that didn’t flee did not become believers but perished?
Overcomers In Ephesus
Published: December 2, 2010I hope you can help me. My Pastor spoke on Rev. 2: 5. “Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.” Then he made the comment this is for you who believe in once saved always saved – your salvation can be revoked. I approached him about this and said I totally disagree.
My pastor is really open and expressed the opportunity to talk more with me about backing up this with scripture. I read your studies often and in total agreement with your thourghts about once saved always saved but what can I say to him? What does Rev. 2 verse 5 really mean?
The Boomers And The Lord
Published: December 1, 2010My question is do you think that the so-called “Boomer” or post WWII generation is the one Jesus said would not pass away until the End Times was concluded? They were the ones being born when Israel became a state again. And now we’re starting to see the first ones reach retirement age. Maybe I’m way off, but I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.
OSAS And 1 Cor. 15:2
Published: November 30, 2010I cling to every “Once Saved Always Saved” email you send, but sometimes the thought of having lost my salvation is crippling. What do you say to the meaning of 1 Corinthians 15:2: “By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.”
Getting What We Want. Follow Up
Published: November 30, 2010Re: Getting What We Want. I would love to see you expand on the first sentence: “…we determine the course of our lives.” I’m thinking that is our free will. Yet, does or doesn’t God determine our lives, or the purpose of our life? The people that come into our lives and also, our circumstances? Or does HE just know the outcome, the beginning and the end? And, when you say that ‘God helps us bring them (our choices) to their ultimate conclusion’, I just can’t see God ‘helping’ anyone bring bad to themselves. I do see Him letting or allowing ‘bad’ to happen, if that is where our consistent choices are made.
Praying To Mary. Follow Up
Published: November 29, 2010Regarding prayer to Mary. Would Isaiah 8:19 apply? Or is it that Catholics believe she never died, but ascended into heaven? Is there any historical information regarding her death?
OSAS And Rev. 22:19
Published: November 28, 2010I was having a discussion with a friend about eternal security, we seemed to be in agreement for the most part. However, he presented me with a scripture that I would like some help understanding the meaning, “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” (Rev 22:19). Please assist me with some insight as to whether this scripture is saying that you can lose your salvation.
More On The Age Of Accountability
Published: November 28, 2010In the article The Age of Accountability you wrote: “When they reach the age of accountability, they become responsible for their sins. They acknowledge their accountability in a ceremony called bat mitzvah for girls, usually held at age 12, and bar mitzvah for boys age 13.” Does this mean that when believers in Jesus are raptured, all girls under the age of 12 and all boys under the age of 13 will also be raptured? If so, can you imagine the impact on families worldwide?
Scans And Pat Downs
Published: November 27, 2010Praise to God & blessings to you & your family. I have a concern about the new scanning technology and “Pat Downs” at the airports. Since the scans, in essence, show a naked body & the “Pat Downs” are so intrusive, are we committing a sin when we submit to them? I understand our only other option is to travel via ground transportation or stay home.
Are They Jewish By Religion Or By Race?
Published: November 20, 2010I want to thank you for all of your time and hard work keeping up with your wonderful site, it’s truly a blessing!! I have a question about being Jewish. Are Jewish people Jewish by DNA, or just religion? I have always though that Jewish people were Jewish by DN