Why Are People Buying Gold?
Published: November 7, 2010I can’t remember the specific scriptures off the top of my head but I know it says in the Bible that gold and silver will be worthless so why is everyone buying it? Thank you for your time and thoughts.
The Rapture. Open To Interpretation?
Published: November 6, 2010Thank you so much for your insight, as I look forward to your e-mails every day. I am sincerely hoping for a pre-trib rapture, as I am sure that all of us are. Currently, I am reading an e-book that strongly supports the post-trib rapture, with many scriptural citations and inferences backing up this theory. This author presents a stong case for his position, as you do with the pre-trib assertion. Honestly, I am completely confused and don’t know what to anticipate, other than being in a “ready” status at any time. I sincerely wish that this wasn’t such a mystery, and was not an issue that is so open to interpretation. Is the Bible meant to be so ambiguous, so that we are not sure of the day and time of His coming?
Submissive Wife, Loving Husband
Published: November 6, 2010I am hoping that you can help me to better understand a wife being submissive to her husband. I have been a Christian for 10 years now, but have never really gotten my brain wrapped around this particular truth. I have been married for 21 years, and to be really honest, am not sure of my husbands salvation. I want to honor the Lord in my marriage, and be honorable to my husband. Your input would be greatly appreciated.
Also Struggling With Forgiveness
Published: November 5, 2010Over a year ago, my father-in-law walked away from my mother-in-law to (in his words) “live life more abundantly” with another woman. As it turns out, this was not the first time he has done this in their almost 40 years of marriage. He has used scripture to tell us we need to forgive him, but he has never informed us of what we need to forgive. My wife and I are struggling with forgiveness, and we want to follow God’s will in our lives. We have many questions that we do not know the answers to. Do we forgive him while he is still in the act of this sin? Does forgiveness mean that we accept the other woman into our lives?
Sin And The Rapture
Published: November 5, 2010Enjoyed the article on Judgment. I read everyone of your articles. What if a person doesn’t realize they have sinned and the rapture occurs in this moment? Unconscious sinning I reckon is what I am talking about. Please respond!
What Is The QuiverFull Movement?
Published: November 2, 2010What is your opinion of the Quiverfull movement? Is it biblical? Most Quiverfull subscribers think that it is mandated for everyone, do you agree?
Overcoming Unbelief, Follow Up
Published: November 1, 2010RE: Overcoming Unbelief. I was wondering if you could clarify a different but similar scenario. Like the other asker, I too believe that the Lord can heal or perform miracles for me or anyone. That is, if he’s willing or if it’s in his plans. How then do I overcome that?
Will The Church See The Anti-Christ, Follow-Up
Published: October 31, 2010In your answer to the question Will the Church See the Anti-Christ? You said the anti-Christ won’t be officially revealed as such until the middle of Daniel’s 70th Week (Daniel 9:27). But using the first part of Daniel 9:27 when he “confirms the covenant with many for one week”, wouldn’t this be the first sign of the Anti-Christ? I have always believed that the man who steps out on the world stage and brings peace to the middle east by the signing of the seven year peace agreement is the Anti-Christ.
Confessing To Others
Published: October 30, 2010In one of your healing articles you said we should gather other believers around us, confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so we can be healed. What sins do we confess? I ask God regularly to forgive me of my sins. What sins would I have to confess? Some sins are rather personal. How would I handle that?
Adultery And The Rapture
Published: October 29, 2010My question is about my husband of 35 years plus 3 lived together before marriage. I found out for sure last Christmas that he has a mistress and has been seeing her for at least 3 years. He is a born again christian still living with me and our 20 year old son. He takes trips with and sees his girlfriend every weekend. Visits her almost every day after work, then comes home to sleep in the guestroom. My question is, if he is living like this will he still be taken in the rapture?