Ask a Bible Teacher

No One Knows

Published: July 4, 2010

I have read many times in your articles that you believe the parables in Matthew 24 primarily have to do with tribulation believers, not the Church. You mention that the verse that reads “no one knows the day or the hour…” has to do also with the Second Coming and not the Rapture. But the Bible tells us that the Lord will return exactly 1260 days from the Abomination of Desolation, so how could no man know the day? Thank you so much for your site! I have learned so much from it and will appreciate your clarification on this issue.

Did God Speak Directly To Prophets?

Published: July 4, 2010

I believe somewhere I heard that the early prophets actually did “talk” with God and that is how they wrote the exact wording of what God said and it’s not their paraphrasing but God’s Wording and that this all stopped with the last prophet Malachi to give way for the Christ to appear. So instead of God giving instructions only through prophets’ dreams, He sent His Son – is this correct? In other words instead of the prophets’ dreams, they actually did speak with God.

The Unfaithful Wife And The Virgin Bride

Published: July 4, 2010

Thank you for your ministry and for taking the time to answer our questions. Your website is a blessing to me and countless others. How does Hosea chapters 1-3 and Isaiah 62 which seems to refer to Israel as God’s wife relate with the church from Pentecost to the rapture as the bride of Christ?

Comparing Two Mentions Of Nets

Published: July 3, 2010

What is the significance of the nets in in Luke 5:6 where it states that the nets began to break, compared to John 21:11 where it says that even with so many the net was not torn?

The Gulf Oil Spill And Rev. 8

Published: July 3, 2010

I’m curious about your thoughts on the current gulf oil spill being a fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation 8:8-9? It certainly sounds like a verse by verse description but I’m wondering if it is in conflict with any other biblical references? I ask this because I understood the church would be raptured before God’s judgments. Thanks for your insight!

How Will They know?

Published: July 2, 2010

In one way or another, you are asked over and over: How will the earth know that the Wrath of God has begun? Would it be correct to say that the Rapture is the sign that specifically identifies the beginning of the Wrath of God? Am I correct to believe we are now seeing evidence of God’s pre-wrath judgments as they affect our own country and the world? Are His pre-wrath judgments the same as the birth pangs?

Overlook The Differences Or Leave?

Published: July 1, 2010

Thank you for speaking the Truth every day. My pastor believes that most (if not all) end times prophecy was fulfilled by 70AD. He’s a great preacher, and preaches the Word each week. Because of our very different beliefs about prophecy, I cannot talk to him about prophecy. In addition, I’m afraid that his (incorrect) interpretation will spill over into what my children are taught…which is opposite of what I teach them. We chose this church because he doesn’t preach feel good messages, but rather sin and repentance. Should we find another church that lines up with our eschatological beliefs, or just agree to disagree? Your opinion is greatly valued!!

The Bride Of Christ

Published: June 30, 2010

Rev. 19:8 says: “It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints”. The verse tells us that she clothed herself with the righteous acts of the saints. The verse does not say that she was clothed with the blood of the Lamb. There is a difference. And Revelation 21:2says, “And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. So Who is the bride of Christ?

Should I Tell Him?

Published: June 29, 2010

Several years ago, I committed a terrible sin. Shortly afterward, I asked Jesus Christ for forgiveness, and became a born again Christian. I know that God has forgiven me, but to this day my husband does not know what I did. I do have occasional guilty thoughts about it, but I know its Satan trying to make me feel bad, especially when I know God has already forgiven me. My question is do I have to tell my husband? Would it matter to God if I don’t? I know that if I do my tell him, he will leave me and the kids.

Separating Meat And Dairy

Published: June 29, 2010

I have a question about Deuteronomy 14: 21. The last sentence says “You must not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk”. It’s a little random there at the end like that. Does this mean something else, or is it literal?