More On The Day And Hour
Published: November 29, 2009Basically, I know the scriptures say no one “knows the day or hour” of Jesus’ second coming, to conquer the armies of the world and set up his kingdom. I have always thought that this only applies to those of us alive before Daniel’s 70th week starts. TODAY we don’t know, but those who are alive during Daniel’s 70th week, and understand the scriptures, only have to count the 2520 days to it’s end, and during the day immediately after it, they will see Jesus and his armies coming in the clouds with great glory.
The verse I would like you to comment on, which is one verse that seems to help support this view is Rev.19:19. “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, GATHERED TOGETHER TO MAKE WAR AGAINST HIM that sat on the horse, and against his army.” Since the beast and the others, are there at the right time (i.e. the correct day) to fight against Jesus, they must or will have some kind of idea when Jesus will show up.
Enoch, Angels, And Dinosaurs
Published: November 27, 2009I know the Book of Enoch is not considered divinely inspired but I do think the apocrypha could have some historical significance. I just recently started reading the book of Enoch and early on when it talks about the fallen angels mating with women and giving birth to the nephilim, it soon after says they began to sin against various animals as well. When I first read this I immediately thought of dinosaurs. If the fallen angels and humans gave birth to giant offspring could the fallen angels have mated with animals and given birth to dinosaurs and they were then wiped out in the flood as well?
Will Martyrdom Be The Only Tribulation Death For Believers?
Published: November 27, 2009As I read about the end time events, your study of Revelations and other commentaries I have a question concerning the people killed by the plagues and judgments. When the tribulations Saints are referenced it seems to infer that they were killed for their stand for Christ. Does this mean that none will be harmed by the judgments and wrath to come during the tribulation? I have read that the Locusts from the pit were not to harm those with the seal of God in their forehead. Does this indicate all believers at the end times will have that seal and will be spared from death resulting from Gods wrath and judgment upon the earth? They will only experience death through execution by the Anti-Christ?
Aren’t We Really Judged At Death?
Published: November 26, 2009Thank you for your teaching. I have benefited most from your sharing. May I follow-up on the topic of ‘Hades and Hell’ ? If there are 2 places within Hades or Sheol where the dead before the Cross went , does it mean that judgment had occurred for them, that some had gone to the Paradise (like Lazarus in Luke 23:43); while others to ‘Torments’?
Another Nephilim Question
Published: November 26, 2009Thanks so much for your website. I really enjoy reading it! In Genesis, there is talk of nephilim as sons of God. But later, when Moses is wandering in the desert and sends out spies, they encounter nephilim too. So, are nephilim angels? Are they giants? Cross-bred mutants? Why would God send them down, or “let them come down” and have children with people if the resulting children are cursed and specifically “targeted” by God for destruction?
Rapture Before Judgment?
Published: November 25, 2009Thank you as always for your help in understanding the Scriptures. Is it all right to pray that God does not judge America for turning her back on Him until after the Rapture? I know that after the Rapture America will suffer greatly. Do you think that the Lord in knowing this will use what will happen to America after the Rapture as a judgment?
I realize much is already happening that is leaning towards our being judged now…economy, joblessness, etc. Do you think all of this may get much worse before the Lord comes for His Church? It’s just I’m am fearful. I know I should not be. My husband has now been looking for a job for five months since the company he worked for moved out of state. He’s now receiving unemployment checks and when these end I don’t know what we will do. I want to believe the Lord will supply a job for him.
If God Is Love, Why Does He Kill People?
Published: November 25, 2009I have a question which I hope you can answer for me please, How would you answer someone who asked ; “If God in the New Testament is a God of love, how does that reconcile with God in the Old Testament who authorizes the killing of women and children – how is that love ?
Thinking Big About Our Millennial Home
Published: November 24, 2009My question is about our mansions in Heaven. In the Bible, when Jesus says “In my Father’s house are many mansions”, it’s my understanding that it can also be translated, “many dwelling places”. When you think about God, you think REALLY, REALLY, BIG! The Father’s house includes all of His creation, the universe, the millions of planets and galaxies and everything. I believe we will be able to travel to all the planets, and dwell there, and discover new and wonderful things. Since time will never end, we’ll be able to visit all the planets and galaxies over and over again. I think this is the purpose for the planets. Now, it seems like they’re just out there, taking up space. But, then, they’ll be our dwelling places. Could you give me your thoughts on this? Thank-you so much!
Can We Command The Angels?
Published: November 23, 2009My local church teaches from Hebrews 1:14 “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”. They say we can use this verse to basically tell our “ministering spirits” to do things. My Pastor used this verse and told his ministering spirits to bring him a new car. Though this sounds great, it seems a little off to me. IF this really worked and was this easy we couldn’t keep people out of churches. Are there other verses in the bible that talk about this?
The Red Moon Warning
Published: November 23, 2009Joel 2:31 says, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.” The moon gets dark or dims in other verses. This verse it says it will be red, BEFORE the Day of the Lord.. So is that a sign the Day of the Lord has actually begun, or is that just a red moon from smoke and debris?