Ask a Bible Teacher

A Question On Rev. 2-3

Published: July 9, 2009

While reading Revelation this morning, I was struck by something…when the churches are being called to correct something, they are all called to correct their ACTIONS, not their heart or beliefs, and if they don’t correct their actions, they will have their lampstands removed etc. This seems to fly in the face of grace through faith and I would love to have it explained.

And even more specifically the “eating meats sacrificed to idols”. Peter was told not to call unclean what the Lord had called clean, and was told to “kill and eat”. Paul seems to say in 1Cor 8 that eating meat from idols is no big deal. Is there anything equivalent to meat sacrificed to idols in the US that we should avoid?

The Great Pause, Follow Up

Published: July 9, 2009

In reference to the great pause, are you saying people will not be filled with the Holy Spirit the moment they are saved like we are now? Will everyone even gentiles have to do what the Jews do (sacrificing etc). If that is so and since Jesus died for everyone, past, present, and future and was the ultimate sacrifice then what is the point of the cross? All of our sins are forgiven and remembered no more, right?

Are Born Again And Regeneration The Same?

Published: July 8, 2009

What is regeneration? Being born again? Are these synonymous with each other? I always believed that at Pentecost is when man first became born again. OT saints were saved through faith and obedience to the law, and when they died, they went to Abraham’s bosom until Jesus took them to paradise because their sins hadn’t been atoned for yet and they weren’t born again.

Millennium Or Eternity?

Published: July 8, 2009

In a recent post you wrote:

What follows the Millennium? God only knows. The Bible, being the handbook for the Age of Man speaks neither of events before its beginning nor after its end. It instructs us on only three things of eternal duration. God Himself (Isa 43:10), life for believers (John 3:16), and punishment for unbelievers (Matt 25:46). The rest is left for us to wonder about, and for God to reveal as it suits His purpose.”

At the end of Revelations, it says there will be “new heavens and a new earth”…..In light of your writing above, what is your interpretation of the new heavens and new earth?

Was I Really Saved?

Published: July 7, 2009

A friend of mine who is a pastor said his boy received Christ into his heart at 5 yrs. old. Is a person really capable of a sincere asking for salvation at this age?

Back around 1961 or 1962, I was 9 or 10 years old. I was baptized and I assume I made a confession of faith at that time although I don’t remember anything about what went thru my head at the time. All I knew was that I believed from “babyhood” on that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that I was a sinner. I knew that if I didn’t believe in Jesus, I would go to hell and I have always wanted to go to heaven when my time came.

I went to church every Sunday growing up but during my late teens and early twenties I stopped going. I was too busy having fun. When I was around 27 yrs old, it really hit me thinking about what God did and how badly I needed him. I was baptized again, but this time, it was because I knew I wanted to be.

Question. Was I really saved when I was 9 or 10 or was I actually unsaved all those years until i was around 27?

I have a 9 year old grandson who has asked Jesus to save him quite a few times since he was about 5 years old. He seems to be sincere during his little prayer time before bed. However, when in school, he gets into more than his share of trouble. Do you think he is really saved?

How Long Has Man Been On Earth? Follow Up

Published: July 6, 2009

I love your website. Thanks for inspiring me to become closer to God.

Recently you said that Adam was created about 4000 BC, which means man has been on earth about 6000 years. How, then, do you explain the scientists who claim skeletons of cave men are millions of years old? Just today I read an article that said archaeologists have discovered a water well in Cyprus that is 10,500 years old, by radiocarbon dating. At the bottom of the well was found the skeleton of a woman, that could be as old as the well. Is the radiocarbon dating the scientists use flawed? How do you explain this?

What Happens To Aborted Babies?

Published: July 2, 2009

What happens to the souls of aborted babies? If the answer is they go straight to heaven, does this not make infanticide the greatest form of evangelism ever discovered and Dr. George Tiller one of the greatest evangelists of all time?

Although the scriptures do not speak to this hypothesis, are these souls possibly born in the Millennial reign of Jesus? Such an assertion would logically suggest the same for all children that die before the age of accountability and the mentally incapacitated.

Russia’s Involvement In Ezekiel 38

Published: July 2, 2009

In the upcoming battle of Gog/Magog is it possible that that majority of the direct Russian involvement in this battle is more by military advisors and Russian equipment (such as in Vietnam and the Korean war)? I don’t hear much about Russia hating or wanting the destruction of Israel but all the other countries or regions mentioned in Biblical Prophecy definitely hate the Jews. I know Syria and Lybia and some in Turkey get a great deal of Russian equipment and military weapons. Aside from that there doesn’t seem to be any incentive for Russia to attack, does there? Other than they can sell more weapons to some of those countries around Israel who wish to attack them.

Between The Rapture And Daniel’s 70th Week

Published: July 1, 2009

I want to thank you again for answering my questions. I certainly have a lot of them, but you seem to be the only teacher with answers.

I might be thinking too much into this, but the Age of Grace ends with the Rapture, which can happen anytime before the Anti-Christ signs the peace treaty, right? And, when he signs the peace treaty, the last 7 years of the Age of Law begins again, if I’m correct. So…what age (if there is one) is inbetween the Rapture and Daniel’s 70th week?

2 Thes. 2:3, Falling Away Or Departure?

Published: July 1, 2009

The other night I was listening to (a well known teacher) concerning the rapture. He brought up 2nd Thess. 2:3 where in a lot of translations it’s called the falling away or the “apostate Church! He said that the Greek word seemed to also mean “departing” which would be more evidence for the pre – tribulation rapture. I have the Geneva translation and they use “the departing” instead of “the falling away”! I’m sure that others have written to you concerning this! I do think that as the days progress with time closing in that not only is this great news but we will have more understanding concering the times (as long as it’s fitting in the scriptures).