Ask a Bible Teacher

Christmas Criticism

Published: January 7, 2008

First, thank you for your website. Glancing at some of your articles/questions, I see that you (as we) understand that Yeshua was born at Sukkot. In your answer to one question, you went so far as to say that you have suggested giving Christmas back to the pagans. In our home we’ve done just that, celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles instead (as gentiles).

Since, the OT tells us that one day all nations will celebrate Sukkot, I wonder what are your reasons for continuing to promote the old Christmas tradition through some of your articles.

I have no right to judge the traditions of others, but I do think it might be very serious and important that people abandon these pagan-rooted rituals and honor the feasts. Hence the question, since your constant use of the word Christmas promotes clinging to that tradition.

The 7000 Year Age Of Man

Published: January 5, 2008

I was listening to your “7 things” mp3 and a couple of questions came to mind.

When you say that dispensationalists believe in a 7000 year age of man, how do you arrive at this conclusion? I do not see anything mentioning a 7000 year age of man in the bible.

If you are correct (about the 7000 years), that undermines the “no one knows the day of Jesus’ return” doctrine, doesn’t it? Since then you can say that Jesus must return by a certain time.

Also, if there is a 7000 year age of man and the millennium is included in it, shouldn’t the end times have commenced already? (rapture, tribulation etc) Since approx 6000 years have passed and the millennium should begin on the 6000th year, I don’t see how the 7000 year age of man is concluded.

Born Again Believers In Hell?

Published: January 3, 2008

I watched a program on (a Christian TV network) last night and had some serious concerns that I wanted to get your feedback on, as it was very disturbing. The program’s premise was the near death experiences where people come back describing hell and / or heaven and the things they witnessed while there.

One of the gentlemen stated that they had traveled with an angel to heaven and then to hell, where the angel told him that he deserved to be there. The man responded, “No I don’t, I’m a born again believer and a pastor, I don’t belong here”, to which the angel said, “before you died you had unforgiveness in your heart for your wife (they had gotten into an argument just prior to his death) and therefore you belong here”.

Is there ANY scriptural evidence that would suggest this could EVER happen?

Why Did Jesus Come When He Did?

Published: January 3, 2008

Thank you so much for your wonderful insight into the Bible. God blesses me so much through your website.

Why did God decide that Jesus would come when he did? If I understand correctly, it was about 4,000 years after creation. I tried to compare it to the days of creation but on the fourth day God created the sun and and moon (the greater light and lesser light) so I don’t see a direct correlation to this. I realize that prophecy later on in the OT (Daniel 9:25) gave us the exact time but is there any indication of why then?

Only 144,000?

Published: January 3, 2008

I have a question after reading your commentary of Rev. 7 about the 144,000 Jews sealed. I’ve heard they are the only Jews that are saved during all the tribulation. How can that be true?

Church Leaders Left Behind, Follow Up

Published: January 2, 2008

Do you see many of the so called Church leaders today (by title only) being of Satan as you describe in your earlier answer?

How Can Church Leaders Be Left Behind?

Published: January 2, 2008

There is a question which I am continually being led to explore yet can never resolve. Many of the teachings out there state (and rightly so) that belief in the work of Christ is all that is sufficient to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

That being said, I quite often read (both on your web site and others) that after the rapture, many prominent Christian leaders and maybe even a majority of the Catholic church will be left though this seems to be in direct contrast to the belief doctrine. I would tend to think that sometime along a Church leader’s walk, a true belief in Christ must be there regardless of where they end up – even if they fall victim to greed and sin as many have done (we all have sinned and all sin is the same).

So, if belief is all that is needed and most have believed in Christ, how would a Christian get left behind? Maybe it is in my understand of the word “believe”. If the Holy Spirit is sealed within us at the time of belief and it cannot be lost, I am confused why some would be left.

I would like to think I am walking in the ways of Christ but what would ensure my salvation over many of the Church leaders mentioned who will be left behind – again going back to the foundational doctrine that belief in Christ is all that is needed to be saved. Thanks for your continued ministry – it is extremely helpful – especially your recent Hebrews review.

The 2nd Regathering Of Israel

Published: January 2, 2008

At some point I saw a reference to Israel only coming back together as a nation one more time after the dispersion following the destruction of the temple. Could you please point me to the verse that says this?

Is King Abdullah The Anti-Christ?

Published: December 26, 2007

I was wondering what you think about the belief of (a web site writer) that possibly the anti-Christ is the King of Jordan, King Abdullah ll, who is actively uniting the Arab Nations toward the peace agreement of Israel? He states that this King has the power to allow the Jewish people to build their temple. His lineage is traced back directly to the wife of Mohammad.

We have been doing a lot of research on this King and he is very much liked. He said that the Bush Administration is looking perhaps to make him an overseer of Iraq. He is really gung-ho militarily which the writer attributes to the worship of the God of fortresses. Muslims believe that the Mahdi is perhaps a military figure that is unaware of who he is at this point, and would have a direct lineage to Mohammad.

Mental Illness Or Demonic Oppression?

Published: December 26, 2007

How do we discern the difference between true mental illness and demonic oppression? Mental illness and prescription drug abuse seem very prevalent in our society.

We have several people in our small church who are on social security disability for bi-polar disease and schizophrenia. These people profess to be Christians and yet are emotionally defeated. They do not exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit and on occasion have caused much turmoil within the church. If they lie or do something hurtful they fall back on their disease as an excuse.

How do we discern between true followers of Christ who are mentally ill and the mentally ill who are using the church as a crutch? or are they possibly demon oppressed?