A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured Matt. 24 And The Pre-Trib Rapture and The Unbelievably Amazing Destiny Of The Church.

Here’s our week in India! As of next week, some restrictions might be lifted in this area so we are praying for safety for everyone if things start to open up. Please pray with us.

Happy weekend everyone! Happy 4th of July weekend to all in the States! Here are the pics from our week of outreaches in Mexico.

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured Receive The Holy Spirit and The Holy Spirit Part 2 … The Gifts.

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured The End Times According to Jesus, Part 3 and The End Times According to Jesus, Part 4—Why Didn’t He Mention the Rapture?

We are so grateful to hold our school and sewing classes again! Come see our week of outreaches.

Come see our week of outreaches in Mexico.

Hospital visits and more covid testing and snake season again. Come see glimpses of our week in India.

Come see glimpses of our week in Mexico!

A recap of all our featured posts this week. Catch up on the Q&A, the daily Psalms, and articles. This week, we featured The End Times According to Jesus, Part 1 and The End Times According to Jesus, Part 2.