Why Did God Set Them Up?
Published: February 2, 2023Some years ago I asked (another Christian ministry) Why God, in his foreknowledge, had set up Adam and Eve for failure if he knew the terrible misery it would cause for generations of their descendants, including the descendant named Jesus? They replied that God knew it would be necessary for them to first obtain knowledge of good and evil in order to appreciate the goodness of God and life with him. Having known only perfection since the day of their creation, they had nothing with which to contrast it and were therefore blind to its blessing. What do you think?
How Did Jesus Fast?
Published: February 2, 2023I know that there are different versions of fasting: some where people are allowed to eat after 3 pm, some after sunset, some can eat meat, some only chicken, some no meat at all, etc. With all the variations on fasting that are out there, I want to know if it is clear how Jesus fasted? I’ve been told that He couldn’t have done it on water alone for 40 days because his digestion tract would be so severely damaged afterward. I would greatly appreciate your insight into this!
Changing Churches
Published: February 1, 2023We recently changed churches, for reasons not that important, now the church is not talking to us. The other day we ran into the pastor he was rather upset with us and told us of all the mistakes we made in leaving his church. Is this a Biblical thing? Where does the Bible tell us we have to come to the pastor and tell him we selected another church to attend. I thought that as the church we were all united in the same work.
Why Doesn’t God Tell Everyone To Stop?
Published: February 1, 2023There’s something I have been puzzling about. Let’s say there are two good Christian friends. They both dabble in witchcraft and read their horoscopes every day. Then God tells one of them to stop doing that because he doesn’t like it. So the first person changes his lifestyle, but the second one never hears from God. They remain friends, despite the change. Now why does this happen? Why does God call one person and ignore many others who are doing the same thing? If the activity is displeasing wouldn’t he tell ALL of them to stop?
From a different angle – if you’re Christian and you believe Jesus died to save you, and OSAS is true, why does God call you out of doing certain things? Because if your behavior had no bearing on being saved, then you could go around doing witchcraft or whatever and it would be okay, wouldn’t it? I’m really confused. Please help.
Do Angels Sing?
Published: February 1, 2023May the Lord continue to bless you in this unique and wonderful ministry He has given you! I have a question about Luke 2:13-14. And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” In passages like this we see the heavenly host ‘praising God’. A minister once said that if you check the scriptures, we never read that the angels are singing. He believed that only humans actually sing, not angels. Any thoughts on this statement?
Abram And The Kings Of Sodom And Salem
Published: January 31, 2023My question is from Genesis 13-14 with Abram and Lot. After he rescued Lot, Melchizedek, priest and king of Salem and the king of Sodom meet Abram. For what purpose are Melchizedek and the king of Sodom together? Sodom was wicked and full of great sinners and Melchizedek was the priest of God and also the king of Salem. Why were a king of such a sinful and wicked city and a king and priest of God together like that when God could easily have made their meetings separate with the same outcome?
Forgiven Or Not
Published: January 31, 2023Something you said in one of your answers was that God can’t forgive us if we don’t confess. I was taught that all our sins are forgiven already at the cross, but that we should confess them which is to admit our wrong to God so that we can be closer to God. But our sins are forgiven at the cross, everyone of them, so I feel it was wrong to say God can’t forgive us if we don’t confess because he already has.
The Temple Or The Body Of Believers?
Published: January 31, 2023I have read the following on a web site and am wondering if the translations are correct. “There are two different Greek words that are translated as “temple” in English. One word “hieron” is used by Paul when referring to an actual building made with wood and stones. The other word “naos” is used when referring to the spiritual temple of God which refers to His people. The word “naos” is the one used in this 2 Thessalonians 2:4 verse, and therefore is NOT talking about a physical temple.”
Do Jews In The Church Have Different Standards?
Published: January 30, 2023I am been doing a lot of thinking in regards to Grace, the Mosaic Law, the feasts and other things the Messianic movement thinks should apply to the Christians and wanted your opinion on my thoughts.
The central passages I am looking at are found in Acts 15. Paul has returned from his trip to the Gentiles and an issue had arisen specifically in regards to circumcision. Peter, Paul, James and those apostles still alive and in Jerusalem held a council and from that came four requirements for Gentile believers: They were to not engage in sexual immorality, not eat meat given to idols or from an animal that was strangled nor were they to eat or drink blood. Nothing was said about Gentile believers being required to observe any of the Jewish festivals, which fall under the Mosaic covenant nor any of the other Mosaic laws. Further; the act of circumcision was not required of Gentile believers as this was part of the Abrahamic covenant.
My thoughts are this: Peter was given authority by Jesus to bind or loose on earth and in heaven. God did not change but gave Peter the authority to make changes, not to the covenant it self but to how it would be implemented. Notice the changes in Acts 15 apply only to the Gentile believers, not the Jewish believers. I believe Gentile believers were given an exemption from the feasts and ceremonial laws by Peter.
Where does this leave Jewish believers in Christ then? They are covered by Christ of course and some of the feasts and ritual celebrations have to change a bit but I believe God still requires them to be held to them. This is a higher standard situation: God chose the Hebrew people for himself and he has always held them to a higher level of behavior before all men. Like the Gentile believers they are no longer bound to the Mosaic law, but a life truly lived in Christ will cause us to voluntarily obey them as more of a side effect rather than requirement. That is where my thinking is going anyway. Could you comment on it please?
My Friend Can’t Accept Forgiveness
Published: January 30, 2023I worry about my friend. She believes that God forgives her sin but does not accept His forgiveness because she tells herself she is unworthy. I know in regards to our salvation, when we believe we are sinners and realize we need a savior, we also need to accept Jesus as our Savior or we would remain in our sins. Is the same true of forgiveness? How can I help her?