Ask a Bible Teacher

Are The Birth Pangs Happening Now?

Published: December 8, 2012

In Matthew 24:3-14 Jesus is explaining to the disciples about the signs of the end times. He seems to be describing the final seven year period to them without actually saying it is the final seven years. But many of the things he is telling them are ramping up today; famines, earthquakes, wars, threats of wars, sin is rampant etc. My question is, is Jesus only referring to the final seven years or is this an explanation of moving towards the end times in general? Because we seem to be experiencing most of what he is telling them this very hour.

What’s The Destiny Of The Handicapped?

Published: December 7, 2012

The church I was raised in taught that “retarded” people, were special children of God. Since they are not accountable for their sins because of their limited intellectual capacity to distinguish right from wrong, they will not be judged as we will in the next life. Rather, they will sit “at the right hand of God.” I hope this is true, for it seems right. What is your take on this?

Why Don’t More Pastors Preach On The Rapture?

Published: December 7, 2012

I have noticed in many Bible believing Churches, even those who support a pre-tribulation rapture, that pastors mention the trials Christians are having, the signs we see of hard times, they encourage a close relationship with our Lord Jesus, to walk moment by moment, trusting only in Him, to study the Word, even separating from the world view and encouraging an eternal view, but they never mention the rapture and rarely the end times. Why do you think that is?

God’s Judgments Or Mother Nature?

Published: December 5, 2012

All too often I hear people try to use acts of Mother Nature as God’s judgment on the sins of people. Is this really possible if we believe we live in the “Age of the Church” or under Grace? Is what some see as God’s judgment actually just the natural way of sin in a fallen world and not God actually choosing to judge us?

Idealists, Preterists and Futurists, Follow Up

Published: December 4, 2012

I read your recent article (Idealists, Preterists, and Futurists) and have a question. I understand what you are saying, but all of these views cannot be right. The church I have attended for 30 years has gone to Covenant Theology and a form of Preterism. I do not agree with this doctrine and am having a hard time sitting through this teaching. I have believed that Eschatology is not a reason to leave but I might be changing my mind. I find that what you believe about the end times greatly affects your total interpretation of scripture and the plan of God. How far should we go to live at peace with one another? Is it time to take a stand and move on?

Is The False Prophet A Man?

Published: December 3, 2012

Have you found anywhere in scripture that the False Prophet has to be a man or could it be that the person could be perhaps the fake Mary that has been appearing to people over the years. It seems to me that she would fit the profile of someone who could bring all the other religions of the world together after the Rapture takes place. Hope you can help me with this, it’s been on my mind for a while.

A Prophecy Against Egypt

Published: December 1, 2012

I enjoy your site and read it almost daily. I’m blessed to say the least. The question I have concerns Ezekiel 29:8-13. I searched your site and there was nothing there. I have never read anything saying this 40 year desolation has already happened. If not, when do you think this will be happening?

More On The Two Witnesses Of Rev. 11

Published: November 27, 2012

I read with interest your answer that the two witnesses in Rev. will be Moses and Elijah. I must say Moses cannot be correct. Moses would appear with a glorified body and would not be subject to death. The only two who fit, apart from anyone new on the scene, would be Elijah and Enoch (Enoch being representative of the church).

OSAS And Hebrews 10:36

Published: November 26, 2012

I’m having some trouble with Hebrews 10:36. We know that the will of God is to believe on His Son, and the promise is eternal life. I believe OSAS, but I’m having trouble reconciling this verse.

Where Were Samuel And Saul?

Published: November 26, 2012

In 1 Samuel 28:19, Samuel says that Saul and his sons will be with him after they die. Samuel was faithful to God and served God all his life so I’m assuming the he went to Sheol to wait to go to heaven when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Also Saul’s son Jonathon was a man of God and King David’s closest friend. If Samuel went to Sheol, Saul must have gone there, too. But if Saul, who according to 1 Samuel 28:16 had become God’s enemy, went to hell then Samuel and Saul’s sons must have too since the Bible says they are all in the same place. So does that mean Samuel is in hell?