Ask a Bible Teacher

Rosh Hashanah 2012

Published: August 21, 2012

I wanted to know if you have been receiving questions that a possible major “event” would take place between September 16-18 2012, Rosh Hashanah. I’ve seen many articles and blogs where people identifying themselves as “watchers” believe these dates will be very significant. I’ve read everything from the Rapture,to the invasion of Syria and even an extraterrestrial event speculated for this time. Any thoughts or feelings about these new dates?

Giving To A Political Candidate

Published: August 20, 2012

Your answer on giving to secular organizations has brought me to ask you this question. What is your opinion on giving to candidates in political parties? In my state this year,we have a candidate who I know is a born again believer. I will definitely vote for him, but do I give to his campaign?

Can I Leave Him?

Published: August 18, 2012

I’m in turmoil and need an answer soon for my very health depends on it. My husband of five years lied to me before we married and told me he was a christian. Only I found out later, by his own admission, that he had lied about that. Long before I met him, he was a drug addict and had gotten clean. If it wasn’t for that and him telling me that he was a believer, I wouldn’t have married him but he led me to believe he was someone he was not. Am I free to leave him due to his repeated lies and lack of remorse?

EMP Threat. Follow Up

Published: August 17, 2012

In your answer to a question about the EMP threat, you wrote: “Because of the catastrophic effect of a successful EMP attack, I don’t believe it will happen before the Rapture of the Church…” Why do you think that? Is God preventing it in His mercy so those who belong to Him don’t have to suffer from such an attack or is there another reason?

The Global Financial Crash And The Rapture

Published: August 17, 2012

Do you think the Rapture of the church will be the last straw for the world economy and it will trigger the global financial crash?

Is The Anti-Christ Roman Or Islamic?

Published: August 16, 2012

I’ve just seen yet another article from an author contending that the antichrist will not be from The Roman Empire. If I remember correctly you’ve written that the antichrist will be from there. Is that correct or is my memory faulty?

More Rapture Questions

Published: August 16, 2012

Re: Matt. 24:36. Why did Jesus not know the time of return ? Was it because He had divested Himself of aspects of His deity in order to ‘take flesh’ and be able to die for us, or was there another reason? I have heard pastors say that He still does not know, but surely that would make Him less than God. He must know all that the Father knows, now that He is back with Him. Also was His comment to do with the rapture or second coming? I also have always believed the rapture to be number determined, but an omniscient God, who ‘sees the end from the beginning’ must surely know when that number will be completed.

Two Gog/Magog Wars?

Published: August 15, 2012

A friend of mine is adamant that the Gog/Magog war will only happen after the millennium, as described in Revelation 20 but I am of the opinion there will be two Gog/Magog wars; one prophesied in Ezekiel 38/39 and the other an attack by the enemies of God at the end of the millennium. Just like there was WW1 and WW2 with virtually the same countries in both wars, could there not be two Gog/Magog events?

EMP Threat And Consequences

Published: August 14, 2012

I read often about the threat of EMP attacks and I am curious. We’re told in Revelation there will be certain events – such as the death of the two witnesses and the fall of Babylon – which will be seen “worldwide” – do these prophesies then dispute that such an attack will happen in America since those left behind would obviously not have access to a TV, as would possibly portions of Canada and Mexico?

Saving For Retirement

Published: August 13, 2012

I have been struggling lately with different life options and find myself thinking, “I won’t be here much longer anyway, what is the point?” One area in particular that has been on my mind is investing for retirement. I know that I have a responsibility to be a good steward of my finances, but I can’t help think that reducing my investments and using the money that has been freed up toward the Kingdom would be a better idea. Any thoughts would be appreciated.