What About May 10, 2011?
Published: December 13, 2010As I looked into the anniversary date of Israel becoming a nation, I see that this coming year (2011) it falls on May 10th. I just wonder if people realize how close we may be to the Rapture based on Israel becoming 63 years old? If that date passes and we are still here, I know it means that the # of Gentiles has not come in, but it also means that there is less than 7 years left for Pioneers in Israel to be 70. Do you have any additional thoughts on this to share? I long for the Rapture to be prior to May 10th !
A Great Revival?
Published: December 12, 2010I hear of many churches, including my church, speaking of a last days revival. While I want to be part of any soul saving the Lord has in store for my community, I don’t see this last days revival in scriptures.I actually see the opposite in that there will be a falling away such as in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Please comment.
How Long Is 1000 Years?
Published: December 12, 2010Will the Millennium be an actual 1,000 years, as we know it to be? I ask this because a “year” back when the bible was written is different than a “year” today. I guess it was written from the Jewish perspective. A year now consists of 365 days, but is that how long Jesus meant the Millennium to be?
OSAS And 1 Timothy 6:6-10
Published: December 11, 2010Does 1 Tim 6:10 have anything to do with one’s salvation? ” For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.”
Who Are The Tribulation Believers?
Published: December 11, 2010Who are the people that get saved during the Tribulation? Are they co-workers that I have been trying to witness to or brothers and sisters that I have been contending for? If so, how do they not fall into being deceived for the great deception that is going to come?
I Read What You Said, But
Published: December 10, 2010I have read your posts on the unforgivable sin, but still wonder if I may have committed it. A few years ago when I was in high school, I read that passage for the first time, and someone explained to me what it meant. After they did, immediately I started having these awful thoughts. I didn’t want to have them, but I couldn’t seem to stop thinking them. It got so bad that I tried to stop thinking about God altogether just so I wouldn’t have them in my head anymore.
I feel like if I really wasn’t a Christian, then I wouldn’t feel guilty about them at all, but I want to be sure. This made me wonder whether or not I was saved in the first place. I know no one can tell if someone is saved or not because it’s between that person and God, but I’m so confused.
I know Christians can’t be perfect, but I feel that maybe I’m the person described in the parable about the seeds who fell on thorns because they got caught up in the cares of the world. I just can’t seem to give up this one particular sin, and I feel that because of that, maybe I’m not saved. Sometimes I feel like I will never get past this; I’ve struggled with it for so many years. I just don’t want to stand before God and say, “Didn’t I do all these things in Your name” and Him say, “Go away, I never knew you.” It scares me so much!
More On The 70 Year Life Span
Published: December 10, 2010I truly love your site and have learned a lot from your articles. I would like your thoughts on something concerning the Rapture. Your belief based on your studies puts the Rapture sometime in 2011. I know you are not trying to set a date, this is your opinion. However, based on Psalm 90:10, it also states that our lives may last 80 years due to our strength. It is my understanding that the generation born when Israel became a nation would not pass. Therefore, if we use the 80 years for a generation, that would put The Second Coming of Christ around 2028. Subtract 7 and that brings the Rapture to 2021. Also, if someone born in 1948 lives to be 100, they would be part of the generation that is still alive. Would you please give me your thoughts on this?
Conjoined Twins From Panama
Published: December 9, 2010There are many things in this world that I don’t know how to explain as to why the Lord allowed them to happen. For example, the twin girls from Panama who are joined at the chest and share the same heart. How do you reason?
The Lake Of Fire
Published: December 9, 2010Who or what will be tormenting those people cast into the lake of fire since Satan and his kind will be cast into the lake of fire as well?
Book Of Life, Follow Up
Published: December 9, 2010First, I want to thank for for your daily articles and teachings. I go to your website every day and I have learned so much. You are truly blessed in the Lord for your teachings in the Word. I recently read an article about four Lord’s Books. I thought there were only 2, The Book of Life and the Lambs Book of Life. This article made reference to: The book of Births, (Psalms 139:16), The Book of Tears ( Psalms 56: 8), The Book of Remembrance (Malachi 3:16-17), and of course, the Book of Life (Rev 20:15). It did not mention the Lamb’s Book of Life. Is this article correct?