This week in India 3-5-22

Glimpses from our week in India!
Quick links to the other parts this week:
At the prayer house village
It’s been a tense week at the prayer house village! The developer began carving out his road, that goes right through their village. When I first started getting these pics, before the explanation came in, I thought hooray, we’re building up the bank so the water doesn’t overflow! But then I got the explanation.
Lord, we continually lift up this village and ask for Your protection and provision. Lord, make them secure in their homes, or provide another place for them to live.
Praying for Anand, his mom, and their whole family
Anand is back from the hospital and feeling better! He is so glad to be home! We were praising having some time that no one in their family is in the hospital, when his mom noticed a swelling on her neck, similar to her daughter, Laxmi. (You can see our first prayer request and surgery update, and the latest update here. )We brought her to the hospital for a CT scan today and we’ll have the results next week. Thank you for praying with us for them! ♥
Our School Classes
At Manjunath’s village
For those of you who are new, we call this Manju’s village because our group spent so much time praying for him when he was attacked and almost killed for singing a song about Jesus at his school. To catch up, you can see our first prayer request, update after the first surgery,(this was before I began separating out the longer prayer request posts, so scroll down), and his release from the hospital. This amazing young man used the violence done to him and turned it into love and a greater passion to serve the Lord. He currently plans to become a pastor!
Our Sunday Service
We have planted two other churches in this country, in an area that used to be the most dangerous of our outreaches for Christians. But it’s not the most dangerous anymore. Because of the new anticonversion law, attacks on Christians in this area are now common. And there have been harsh words from the neighbors here. We are praying about taking the services more underground, but for this last week, we kept it more subdued and quieter. Our group used no drums and sang softly. Several of the men stayed outside the whole time, guarding the entrance. It’s scary how quickly the world can change. This wasn’t a hostile culture to Christians when we began this church several years ago. It wasn’t exactly friendly, and we had discrimination and problems with neighbors and the landlord of the old church building. But our group didn’t fear violence. Please continue to pray for discernment for us as we navigate this new world we find ourselves in, and pray for protection for all here. ♥
Sunday School Classes
And that’s our week! Thank you for your prayers! They are essential to all we do.
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha