Ask a Bible Teacher

Unequally Yoked Marriage

Published: August 11, 2010

Assuming no adultery, if an unbeliever divorces a believer because of his/her faith, is the believer free to remarry?

Israel’s Calendar Discrepancy

Published: August 10, 2010

If the age of man is supposed to be 6,000 years and we expect the Lord to return soon, Why is the Hebrew calendar only at 5770 years? This seems like an odd number if indeed we are so close to the end?

Will They Be Taken In The Rapture?

Published: August 7, 2010

I am the only Born Again Christian in a Catholic family. My husband and family believe in Jesus Christ and believe that He died, rose again, and is resurrected. They don’t believe in being Born Again. My husband says as a Catholic you are born again at baptism when you are a baby. I know that this is definitely not true. My question is – even though they believe in Jesus Christ will they still be taken with me in the Rapture. I’ve tried several times to talk with them about this, but they just don’t get it. Please, can you give me some scriptures and some advice on this matter

Soul And Spirit

Published: August 6, 2010

I am a Christian and have been for most of life. Yesterday, I was speaking with a new age friend and the question arose “is our soul the same thing as our spirit”? I didn’t know how to answer. Can you help me?

Will The Sun Go Dark Forever?

Published: August 6, 2010

Do think it’s possible that Matthew 24:29 might be referring to the fact that all the stars, including all the galaxies, and our sun will be turned off or destroyed, perhaps because of the aftermath of the final war in Heaven between Satan, his forces, and God’s forces in Rev 12?

The Case Of The Deviled Ham

Published: August 5, 2010

I had a question about the demons/devils Jesus cast out of the man in Mark 5 (a man with an unclean spirit), and in Matthew 8 two men (there met him two possessed with devils) and in Luke 8 (there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time). Curious why Mark and Luke say 1 and Mathew says 2 but more curious why the demons/devils wanted to get cast into the swine? What were their other options? And what happened to the demons/devils when the swine drowned themselves?

Dead Bodies Everywhere?

Published: August 5, 2010

Thank you not only for the time you must put into answering all of your readers questions but the time you put into your weekly articles as well. My question is about the Rapture. I have been taught that we are Spirit beings inhabiting physical bodies. When we are raptured will it be our Spirits that go to meet the Lord and if so won’t our earthly bodies remain behind making appear to those still here that there have been massive worldwide deaths?

Shiloh And The Coming Temple

Published: August 4, 2010

If the temple will be rebuilt at Shiloh, where in Israel is Shiloh? Does the place have another name now?

Various Prophecy Questions

Published: August 1, 2010

Is there a period of time between the Rapture and the start of the Tribulation? Is there a period of time between the end of the Great Tribulation and the return of Christ? Are the Two Witnesses ministering during the Tribulation doing so during the first half or the Great Tribulation? When is the Mark of the Beast implemented? Before the Tribulation, first half or Great Tribulation? How’s the Psalms 83, Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies coming along?

Why Polygamy And Then Monogamy?

Published: July 31, 2010

Why do you think God permitted David and Solomon and the other Kings to have so many wives – was it to build the Nation of Israel faster? Why so many wives permitted in the OT and one wife and one husband in the NT? Thanks for any insights or possible answers to this.