Ask a Bible Teacher

Identifying Signs Of The Seal Judgments

Published: July 8, 2010

What is the principal “event” that identifies each of the Seal Judgments as our Lord opens them, one at a time? That is, when He opens the first seal, what identifying “event” will occur on earth that marks and identifies that as the First Seal? What “event” marks and identifies His opening of the Second Seal? The Third? Etc.? Also, is it not true that the Church will be Raptured before Jesus opens the First Seal?

When Will The World Know It’s Over?

Published: July 8, 2010

Thanks for your incredible web site; you address issues most churches today don’t breathe a word about. I am confused with the event that leads to the end of the great tribulation and the actual second coming which I think is some time afterward. What event happens that ends the great tribulation if it is not the second coming?

The Church And The Anti-Christ

Published: July 8, 2010

Please explain the relationship between the Rapture and the appearance of the Anti-Christ. I have understood that the Church and the Restrainer must be gone before AC can “appear.” If the End is as near as we believe, AC must be alive in the world now, but we are still here. Therefore, the man is not the AC yet. If AC cannot be revealed until the Restrainer is gone, that seems to imply that the Church will never see the man in his role of AntiChrist. He may be around, stirring in the pot for months or years before he is revealed as the AC, and he becomes the AC only after the Rapture.

More On Hades And Paradise

Published: July 7, 2010

Thank you so much for your wonderful teachings, and sharing your knowledge of biblical prophecy. My question is: If after the crucifixion Jesus descended into hell for 3 days, how is it He told one of the men being crucified with Him they’d be together in Paradise before the day was over?

4 Million Years Or 6 Thousand?

Published: July 7, 2010

The current NG cover and cover article is on the found skeletons of a 4 Millions Year Old Woman, Ardipithecus Ramidus, Oldest Hominid Skeleton in the Middle Awash area of Ethiopia. How do we reconcile this skeleton. Yes, there can be flaws in carbon dating. Could The Flood produce such pressure that it creates the illusion of items being older than they really are? Technology is getting better every day to reduce flaws in dating. Could skeletons such as these be from the original world prior to the remaking of our world and the creation of Adam and Eve?

More On The Full Number Of Gentiles

Published: July 7, 2010

Having read and believed that God knew from before the Creation who would come to Christ, it seems to me that he knows exactly who (therefore how many) of the Gentiles belong to Jesus. Therefore, the full number has less to do with a full complement (as with the ship’s crew metaphor) and much more to do with God waiting until every one who is known to be part of the Church (and is named and counted among the saved) is aboard.

More On The Gulf Oil Spill

Published: July 6, 2010

I am responding to your answer to the question on the Gulf oil spill. You said the oil spill is very small. But I have heard they can’t stop it and it will go up the east coast and out into the Atlantic and across and around Europe and ruin the entire world’s oceans within 18 mos. They also have said that in addition to the oil coming up it brings with it deadly gases and they think they’ll have to evacuate everyone. This is a huge astronomical problem is it not? I hope I didn’t misunderstand you. But please explain.

Looking Upon The Glorified Lord

Published: July 6, 2010

When Jesus returns to reign during the millennium, He will be in His glorified body. Since He will be glorified and holy, how is it possible for humans in the millennium to look at Him? I ask because I didn’t think it was possible for humans with a sin nature to survive around that kind of holiness.

The Timing Of The New Temple

Published: July 5, 2010

Love all your newest articles on the PRE-Gog/Magog war. I have been wondering about that possibility for some time as I try to study prophesy and understand it. I am wondering though, where does it say or indicate the timing for the beginning of rebuilding the temple? I thought it could actually be at any time, even before the anti-Christ is revealed, of course knowing how he defiles it 3 1/2 years into the 7 year accord, claiming to be God. What are the specific Bible references that you use for the timing of the rebuilding of the temple.

Apostles And Prophets

Published: July 5, 2010

Thank you so much for your brilliant web site, it is such a help. Can you help with this question please? Are there any true apostles or prophets today? I know there are many that call themselves apostles and prophets, but are false.