Ask a Bible Teacher

Salvation During The Millennium

Published: March 27, 2010

Since the current age is rapidly closing my wife and I are somewhat Home sick (like most of the Church) for the coming millennium. My question is, knowing, that when one dies during this time a person that dies would be considered an infant, where do people (believers) spirit go during that first 1000 years? Would it be like it is now, when would they acquire their glorified bodies?

The Original Church

Published: March 26, 2010

Is the Roman Catholic Church, the one and original church established by Jesus himself? the one being referred in Matthew 16:18, “I also tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against her.”

Take The Best And Leave The Rest?

Published: March 25, 2010

My Question: Is there any good in the emerging church or should involvement in a church which is leaning that way be avoided? My Pastor did some research into Emerging Church and thinks we could take some things from the conversation and grow as a church, ignoring all the more questionable practices. Having watched the growth of this movement for years I am very concerned about some of the ideas coming out of it. Could it be that the Lord has placed me in leadership (deacon) in my church so I can act as watchman and stand interceding before God for my Pastor & our congregation.

Is Divorce Always A Sin?

Published: March 24, 2010

My question centers on 1 Cor. 7:11 where Paul says that a divorced person should not remarry. When leading a singles bible study, this verse was brought up as some of them were single again. The Pharisee in me holds to the plain sense of the verse. Yet I know that while God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16), he permits it only in the case of fornication.

Is it reasonable to interpret that verse in the context of the Corinthian church and say that if a person gets a divorce for other than biblical reasons, then they should not remarry unless/until the ex-spouse has fully broken their marriage covenant by committing adultery with another? And, if a person gets a divorce on biblical grounds are they free to remarry? Ultimately, I’m wondering under what conditions the command to not remarry applies.

The Vilna Gaon Prophecy

Published: March 23, 2010

What are the implications of the Vilna Gaon prophecy that the third time the Hurva Synagogue in Jerusalem is rebuilt (it was destroyed twice before, the last time by the jordanian forces in 1948) the Third Temple construction will follow? This synagogue was officially inaugurated on March 15, 2010 and the rabbis are planning to offer a lamb sacrifice during Passover on March 29.

Can We Have Sex?

Published: March 22, 2010

My husband had been abusing drugs in our home with our children present. The situation was becoming violent, so I took the children and left before anyone got hurt. After much begging and pleading with him to get help, I decided to divorce and try to move on for my kids’ sake.

He is in recovery now, and his relationships with the Lord and his family are very strong. He takes personal responsibility for everything that has happened. We have discussed remarrying someday. We are very much in love and do not feel in our hearts like we are divorced. Personally, I feel like we are only divorced on paper. Are we fornicating if we have sex? We want to get remarried, but I want to wait until he has held down a job and a stable residence for at least a year after he finishes recovery.

Simon The Leper

Published: March 19, 2010

Who was Simon the leaper? Was he one of the ten men cleansed by Jesus? If so where is it found in the bible?

Millennial Life

Published: March 19, 2010

Do you believe life at the beginning of the millennium will start out being more simple and less complicated? For instance do you think families mostly will be farming, planting vineyards, etc, and using the barter system? I wonder how land will be distributed? Is this where Isaiah 9 comes into fruition; “The government will be upon his shoulders.”

Is Revelation Chronological?

Published: March 18, 2010

Does the Bible state a specific time when the seals of Revelation chapter 6 have to be opened? I always assumed that the events of chapter 6 followed chapter 5 and began after the rapture and consequently were opened during the first half of the 7 year tribulation period. A friend of mine and a well studied Bible student says he has recently raised this question himself and finds that nowhere in the word of God does it say specifically when the seals have to begin or that they are limited to be during the seven years of the tribulation. He has asked, “Why do we assume they are judgments’ of God?”

The Jews And The Millennial Temple

Published: March 18, 2010

My question is: Is the millennial temple the same as the one the Jews are preparing now?